Set realistic pretensions
This can not be repeated enough. Setting pretensions that are immediate insolvable to reach just sets you up for failure, disappointment and misery. Break your thing up into lower, more attainable way. Yearly or daily pretensions are easier to achieve. Make sure that your pretensions represent a healthy weight loss – which most frequently means gradational weight loss leading to a healthy weight for your age, gender, height and body type.
Write it all down
Whether you call it a food journal or a success journal( tête-à-tête I prefer the ultimate), get into the habit of recording your eating habits – and rather start doing this before you go on a weight loss program. Record what you eat, when you eat – and why you eat. Why you eat will help you identify what triggers the unhealthy eating habits that may have led to your weight gain. tedium, loneliness, wrathfulness, frustration and stress can frequently lead us to unhealthy snacks and comfort food, indeed though we know it’s not good for us. Use your journal or journal to record your pretensions, and your progress.